
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875504

The different elements that are integrated in the electrical system mutually affect weight, volume and human exposure to magnetic fields. It is of utmost importance to evaluate integration feasibility, interactions and challenges, whereas providing an aircraft-level optimised solution in terms of EMC, weight and cost. The optimisation will be dependent on the selected aircraft platform and its associated requirements; for associated propulsion equipment outside EASIER focus, like electric machines and batteries, state of the parameter values from the public domain will be considered. 

  • Expected results: Achieve an integrated system where the EMC and thermal issues are resolved for state of the art, upfront power conversion and machine drive technology. Weight and volume density metrics must not exceed the sum of the individual main components i.e. power converter, including filters, and EWIS. EM environments in cockpit and passenger’s cabin will be examined if the maxima of magnetic fields generated by the propulsive system cannot exceed the limits of human exposures specified in the standards recommended by WHO (ICNIRP and IEEE).
  • Success evaluation: The weight and volume for the architecture case systems (see objective F) will be calculated using the experimentally validated solutions for EMC filter and EWIS and thermal. The results will be compared with top commercially available solutions and must represent savings of at least 30%. Human exposures to magnetic fields in aircraft cockpits and passenger cabins of the validated solutions shall not exceed the above-mentioned WHO recommendations